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beroFix The beroNet Gateway is a modular SIP Gateway, which translates the SIP Protocol according to RFC3261 [1] into the technologies:


technologycaller id options
SIPFrom:, P-Preferred-Identity:, P-Asserted-Identity:, Remote-Party-Id:
AnalogCaller ID, Calling Name
GSMCaller ID

beroFix The beroNet Gateway has also the ability to match dialplan rules against the caller id. It uses the Source in the dialplan for matching and the NewSource to generate the caller id for the outbound technology.

This document describes how to configure the caller id matching and output behaviour of berofixthe beroNet Gateway.

New Dialplan

The beroFix the beroNet Gateway Dialplan allows to match the dialed Number (Destination) and the Callerid (Source) against Patterns. It also allows to modify the Destination and Callerid, for example to put a prefix (like 0) before a Number. Each Dialplan Rule can carry additional Configuration options that are only valid for this rule. With these tools it is possible to modify the call handling behavior of berofix the beroNet Gateway per Destination Number or per CallerID. One usage example is to enable or disable CLIR per Destination prefix.


If we take a closer look at the callerid we find out that both SIP and PSTN have multiple Fields to carry callerid Information. In general there are at least 2 Fields (Number and Name). Since the beroFix the beroNet Gateway Dialplan can only match against one Source it is now possible to define which of the SIP Headers or which of the PSTN Callerid Fields is used for matching and mangling. This setting is Called "Dialplan Source" and can be found both in the SIP Account Settings or in the PSTN Group Settings.


the Default Setting is "from_user" which means that beroFix the beroNet Gateway will use the from_user SIP Header as it's Diaplan Source.


The SIP Headers which contain the callerid as default are: From_User and From_Display. Sometimes, especially when beroFix the beroNet Gateway is registered at a remote SIP Server the From_User needs to be identical with the Username, so you need to set the From_User to "Account_Username". In those cases you still have some SIP Headers left to transmit the callerid: from_display, p-asserted-identy (user,display), p-preferred-identy(user,display) or Remote-Party-Id (user,display).


You want to have the Remote-Party-Id User Part to be the Callerid from the beroFix the beroNet Gateway Dialplan:



If you want to hide the Callerid in ISDN you need to indicate that by using the Presentation Flag, SIP has depending on the Header which is used as CallerID Transport different methods. In case of the P-Asserted-Identity there is the Privacy Header, in case of the Remote-Party-Id there is the Anonymity Flag.

If you want that berofix the beroNet Gateway translates the ISDN Presentation Indicator into the SIP Privacy/Anonymity Headers, you need to modify the addition configuration options of the corresponding Dialplan. When you click on "more" you will be able to set the options:


If you enable "IE on SIP" beroFix the beroNet Gateway will tranport all ISDN Information Elements which it understand in proprietary X-BF Headers. Especially the ISDN Called_Party_Number with all it's ISDN Elements are encoded.

These headers can be used, to transmit ISDN Information Elements between 2 sperate beroFix devicesberoNet Gateways , that are connected via SIP.

Note: beroFixthe beroNet Gateway will overwrite all above Settings (Privacy) with the ISDN Information Elements contained in the 
          X_BF Headers. Only the callerid itself will be taken from the Dialplan NewSource.
