Setting up the Telephony Appliance

Shortly after the device has booted up, it should receive an IP Address from your local DHCP Server. There are several ways to obtain the IP Address of the Webserver of the Hypervisor:

Windows Discovery Network

The windows built in network discovery tool should find the beroNet appliance. It shows an icon and the IP-address of the appliance. By double clicking you will be forwarded to the Hypervisor’s Web GUI.

Using the bfdetect tool

BFdetect: control the IP of your beroNet VoIP devices

Another option is using our bfdetect tool. With bfdetect you can discover the appliance via the windows or linux command line. bfdetect shows the serial-number, the Hypervisor version, the MAC-address and the IP-address of the Device.

The following bfdetect output shows an appliance and a gateway. The serial-number of the Appliance starts with 20 followed by the amount of RAM and finally by the identifier itself.

Please wait, while we're scanning on all interfaces for beroNet devices...

  1) serial:   20-16-0000000004         type: Appliance         appfs: 0.2                              mac: 00:13:3b:10:08:48  ip:
  2) serial:    2-16-0000012238         type: Gateway           appfs: 3.0.03-Phone-Detect-rc001.       mac: d8:df:0d:00:22:e8  ip:

Please, select a device (enter 'q' to leave):

With bfdetect you can also change the network configuration of the device and switch from DHCP to a static IP, which can be set manually by choosing the index of the device and then following the configuration steps.

Connecting a monitor to the Appliance

Connect a monitor via VGA or HDMI to the Appliance and after a few seconds the following screen will appear and you can see the IP-address of the device.

Console Output showing the IP-address