Resolve Update Issue 20.06/21.03/23.01

Resolve Update Issue 20.06/21.03/23.01

This guide is for you if you your beroNet device became unable to operate and is stuck on the following scenario:

After installing the 20.06, 21.03 or 23.01 firmware you get the message that RootFS could not be installed because there is not enough space left and the device boots into the Recovery Mode.

Installing the 21.03 Firmware again yields the following error:

  • Extracting Version file Failed. Leaving Error: Could not install Update-Package"

Installing any Firmware Version lower than 21.03 yields the following error:

  • This package can not be installed. Only 21.03 or higher


Please follow the these steps to recover your device to a working state!

Using the alternative update method

If you are on a version equal or higher (in the corresponding branch) than 20.05.05-rc12, 20.06.01-rc01, 21.02.03-rc23 or 23.01.01-rc46 you can try to use the alternative method to flash the device, described here:

Alternative method to update/flash firmware

Sometimes the cause of these errors is an incompatible installer, caused by an incomplete previous update. So sometimes it is possible to install the older version. E.g. if the 20.06 is installed and an update to 23.01 fails, it might be possible to install a 20.05 firmware. In this case you could install the 20.05.05-rc12 firmware and then use the alternative flash method to install the firmware of the newer branch.

So please try if you can get one of the following firmwares installed:





Then you can try the to update via the flash method.


If nothing of this works, please try the following steps.

Download Backup of Configuration

This process may delete your configuration, so please create a backup of your previous configuration:

Reset the partitions

Visit the Reset Tab in the Recovery-Utility and check all marks and proceed to reset all partitions:

After you have succeeded there should pop up several red messages, and the reboot tab is hidden. The messages tell you to install a new firmware. Do not reboot yet!

Run another factory reset to restore the default values of the root database

Visit the Home Tab again and click on Factory Reset. This will reinitialize all the necessary values.

A red message is displayed, telling you to install a new firmware. Do not install a firmware yet!

Do a reboot

If you have access to the hardware:

  • Power cycle the device by unplugging and replugging the power cable of the device.

If you only have remote access to the device:

  • The Reboot Tab is hidden due to the factory reset, but the webaddress can still be reached do reboot



The Reboot will take a bit longer than usual, as the databases have to be reinitilized.

The Reset has been successful if the value for “rootfsversion” under the Tab Information is “3”.

Install a firmware

Install the following firmwares, depending on which firmware you had installed previously!

>= 21.03: install appfs-21.03rc83.tar.gz
< 21.03 or 20.06: install appfs-23.01.tar.gz

You can find the firmware packages at our webserver:




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