BeroFix Filesystem Layout
The filesystem of beroFix consists mainly of these three sections:
These partitions contain different software components which are built on each other.
The RootFS holds the basic components to boot beroFix and provide basic functionality, such as network connectablity.
Following libraries and tools are part of the RootFS:
busybox, which provides the basic tools and libraries like bash, ls and mount
µclibc, a libc implementation for embedded systems
lighttpd, a lightweight webserver
php5, a server side scripting language
sqlite2, a rational database management system
It also contains several scripts needed for booting and running.
The AppFS contains several components unleashing the whole potential of it.
Drivers for the Line-Interfaces
ISGW, the telephony gateway daemon
beroGUI, the web-interface
Libraries such as libcrypt, libssl, libavahi and libsnmp
In version 2 of the AppFS the support for a third software level was added. This level allows it to extend the functionality of beroFix by installing applications.
These applications are able to make use of the libraries provided by the RootFS and AppFS. Since several applications can be installed side-by-side, they even can interoperate with each other. These applications are created by a framework with included cross-compilation toolchain which is provided by beroNet to developers who want to create applications for the beroFix platform.
Applications can be installed through the beroGUI or via our beroCloud service. There are several scenarios in which an application can be a solution, e.g.
CTI: connection to 3rdParty Tools (e.g. reporting of incoming Calls)
IVR: directly on beroFix
Voice-Mail: to be stored on a remote share or sent by mail
Wizards: to make the berofix configuration simpler for specific scenarios
and much more...
Though the beroFix platform has limited resources (see berofix userapp ressources for details) they are sufficient for numerous applications, especially in small environments with up to 20 extensions.
Multiple UserApps can be installed and used side-by-side. The UserAppFS is separated into eight slots which can be occupied by applications in a flexible way, if an app needs two, three or even all slots, it may occupy them.
UserApps may also have a web-interface, which can even replace the default GUI of a berofix if wanted.
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