Telephony Appliance
Product Manual
Hypervisor and Guides
About the beroNet Telephony Appliance
The beroNet Telephony Appliance is the ideal hardware platform for customers and technology integrators, looking for a reliable hardware solution with integrated ISDN, Analog and GSM connectivity or your voice-only setup, making the switch to All-IP not only possible but easy.
The beroNet Telephony Appliance’s elegant design delivers superior energy efficient properties and is designed specifically for the rigorous 24/7 uptime demand of modern telephony systems. With a power consumption of less than 24W during normal operation, over 200 EUR can be saved in electricity costs per year compared to other servers.
With its fanless design and harmonised components, the beroNet Telephony Appliance is the suitable solution for all kinds of telephony projects. The beroNet Telephony Appliance is designed for telephony applications in the SOHO and SME markets and is perfectly suited for businesses with up to 60 concurrent calls.
Virtualising with the beroNet Hypervisor
The most amazing feature of the Telephony Appliance is the beroNet Hypervisor, which allows the user to run multiple virtual machines and applications simultaneously.
A PBX, a fax-server and firewall can run on the same hardware platform and be maintained and managed via the Web-GUI. The appliance is the embedded low power datacenter for your office.
The beroNet Hypervisor is built on the Alpine embedded Linux with the XEN Kernel, which allows the hypervisor to run on minimum resources, giving almost all resources to the virtual machines. The hypervisor only requires 2GB of disk space and 1GB of Memory.
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