FAQ - beroCAPI
FAQ - beroCAPI
Optimal Settings for Tobit David
In beroCAPI:
In TLD.ini of Tobit David
nolistensync = true DisableCAPIReset = True TimeOut = 10
beroCAPI registering with more than a single Berofix
beroCAPI (both old and new versions) currently support registering with a single Berofix.
However, it is possible to generate a license key bundled with the MAC address of a PC instead of the Berofix Serial Number (SN). In this case, different SIP trunks can be used. But this type of license is currently available only when a “full” product is purchased:
beroCAPI disable CAPI FaxHeader in Version 5
In version 5, you can disable the Fax Headline by setting the column FaxHeader to 1 (1 Disable and 2 Enable):
%PROGRAM_FILES%\NG Media Server\config\media_profile.csv
beroCAPI Reset Admin Password in Version 5
In version 5, you can view the login and password to access to the NGMS administration panel in the file, under the name AdministratorUsername and AdministratorPassword:
%PROGRAM_FILES%\NG Media Server\config\general.csv
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