Understanding the Fulltrace (Full Trace)
beroNet Gateways have a very Powerfull mechanism to analyze ISDN, SIP or Configuration Problems with the Fulltrace. The Fulltrace is intended to be used during Setup Time of a beroNet Gateways to identify the Source of unexpected behavior. It is not intended to be used on a long time scale because it is very CPU and memory intensive.
NOTE: The Fulltrace is the most helpful tool for beroNet to support you in analyzing a problematic situation.
Creating a Fulltrace
The Fulltrace can be started via the GUI under "Management->Fulltrace". Here you can choose which ISDN Ports should be traced, if the SIP Signalling and the SIP Audio should be traced. SIP Audio will consume a lot of memory, so it should be used only in very short time scales. A beroNet Gateway can only store about 2MB of trace data (per ISDN Port and SIP), after that it will stop tracing. Now the trace can be started via the "Start" button. Now the situation can be reproduced and after that the stop button should be pressed. Now you can download the Fulltrace via the "Download" Button.
Fulltrace Content
The Fulltrace default name is DebugFiles.tar.gz and consist of a gzipped tarball. The content of the Fulltrace consists of:
/usr - Directory containing beroNet Gateway internal configuration files isgw.* - beroNet Gateway Debugging files tcpDump - Wireshark readable SIP Trace tcpDump.lo - Wireshark readable SIP Trace (for ISDN-ISDN calls) ISDNdebug-* - Wireshark readable ISDN Trace (for each Port one trace)
The Files that are Wireshark readable are the most helpful ones, because they contain the raw SIP and ISDN Protocol Data. To view those files you need the wireshark tool, that is normally shipped by a Linux Distribution, but can also be downloaded for linux and Windows at:
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