How to E1 / T1 Crossover Cable
How to E1 / T1 Crossover Cable
The berofix has always a TE Pinout with Pins 1 RX-,2 RX+,4 TX- and 5 TX+ regardless if berofix is configured as TE or NT. If you want to connect a TE berofix Port with a NT equipment, you can normaly use a standard straight cable, when the NT equipment uses 1 the following default NT pinout:
berofix TE to Equipment NT
1 RX- - 1 TX-
2 RX+ - 2 TX+
4 TX- - 4 RX-
5 TX+ - 5 RX+
But if you want to connect a berofix NT port to Equipment TE (or even a berofix TE), you will need to have a crosscable. See the following shema and picture.
berofix NT to Equipment TE
1 RX- \ / 1 RX-
2 RX+ \ / 2 RX+
4 TX- / \ 4 TX-
5 TX+ / \ 5 TX+
As you can see, this will not work with a straight cable. You will need to have a crosscable. See next picture.
berofix NT - PBX crossover cable
1 RX- - 4 TX-
2 RX+ - 5 TX+
4 TX- - 1 RX-
5 TX+ - 2 RX+
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