First Steps
Welcome to the new beroCloud!
Our popular SaaS Management Cloud Software “beroCloud” is back with a new style and even more functionality for distributors, providers and companies.
What is new?
Mass Management Options
Manage multiple Devices from different customers:
Install Updates, create Backups, toggle monitoring alerts
Device Redirects for Zero-Touch-Provisioning
Let the device configure and connect to your beroCloud account completely automatically
Profit from your customers payment as Commission Agent
This page focuses on the new Cloud SBC functionality
run our beroNet OS in a virtualized environment with more features to secure your VoIP Network
use your SBC for Direct Routing with Microsoft Teams and connect Teams to your SIP Provider
they come with a scaleable subsciption model to save yoursave the hustle of planning years ahead
Why would I need a Cloud SBC?
Under the new “Cloud SBCs” Section, you can see an overview of your Cloud SBCs and create new virtualized SBCs directly in the cloud.
It offers multiple benefits compared to a standalone hardware SBC:
Fully Qualified Domain Name
FQDN is formatted as follows: {hostname}-{id}
Public IP-Adress and TLS certificates
to ensure authenticity with your provider or MS Teams
customizeable DoS Protection and ACL Rules offer increased security, since the SBC will be in the public internet
For enhanced security, you can connect to a VPN that is hosted in the Cloud SBC.
This allows encrypted communication through the internet
compatible with local equipment through the use of a VPN Router
How to create your Cloud SBC?
Upon creation, you are able to set a hostname and a password for the WebGUI and choose the region, where the virtualized server should be located.
You will be redirected to the chargebee payment page. During the beta-phase, we provide credit cards for testing.
Please choose 4111 1111 1111 1111 at checkout. You will not be charged. This is a test credit card.
After creation, your SBC will need a few minutes to initialise and start.
During this process, the TLS certificates are generated.
Manage your Cloud SBC
On beroCloud you will have several management options that are described here:
Open SBC: Open the WebGUI in a new tab. From there you can configure the Cloud SBC
Verify Domain: Add a DNS TXT Record to our Cloud DNS to verify ownership of the subdomain
Shut Down: Terminate the Cloud SBC - you can Start it again later
Factory Reset: Reset your GUI Password and Configuration in case anything went wrong or you forgot your password
Update SBC: Send an Update Task to the SBC VM and the update will be automatically performed in the background.
Backups: You can schedule periodic backups of the configuration and log files
Subscription: Here you can also manage your subscription and update it to match your exact needs. Four simultanous sessions are included and are often enough. In the case you need more resources because of high traffic demands, you can scale it up easily.
How to proceed from here?
Now you can start configuring your Cloud SBC. Please visit the webGUI and log in with your set credentials. The default user is “admin”.
Guides about the Cloud SBC:
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