Advanced Full Trace Options

Advanced Full Trace Options

Advanced Full Trace Options

The advanced mode has a set of options, which allow more control of what is done during a full trace. The options can be passed as comma separated values.

Examples of options

Following options can be passed to the advance full trace, not all of them are compatible

  • mode=basic

  • loglevel=d599090

  • loglevel=d5:m-:n-

  • loglevel=none

  • limit_lan=1

  • filter_lan=port 5060 or portrange 6000-7000

  • limit_lo=0,limit_lan=0,limit_wan=2,filter_lan=port 5060,loglevel=none

mode option

If the option mode=basic is set, the advanced full trace uses the same pcap settings as the basic mode, the filter options won't work, the limits should.

filter and limit options

Each of the currently possible network interfaces can be configured individually in terms of maximum file size and filter options. Following limit and filter options are available:

  • limit_lan

  • limit_wan

  • limit_msp

  • limit_lo

  • filter_lan

  • filter_wan

  • filter_msp

  • filter_lo

limit options

The limit options take the maximum filesize of the created pcap file and is given im MB. Please note, since log-rotating is used, two files might be produced, actually doubling the given amount of storage. If the value is set to 0, no pcap trace is started for this device.

The default values are shown in the following list:

  • limit_lan=3 (on a non LAN-WAN device)

  • limit_lan=2 (on a LAN-WAN device)

  • limit_wan=2 (on a LAN-WAN device)

  • limit_lo=1

  • limit_msp=0

filter options

The filter options can configure the pcap tracing options for each network device like it would be passed on the command line. If nothing is given, everything is recorded on the given network device. E.g.

filter_lan=port 5060 or portrange 6000-7000

would only record the traffic on port 5060 and in the range of 6000-7000. E.g. if you have a LAN-WAN device and are only interested in the SIP traffic of the WAN port, use something like

limit_lo=0,limit_lan=0,limit_wan=4,filter_lan=port 5060

This would capture up to 8MB of traffic on port 5060 on the WAN device, and nothing else.

E.g. if :


only the misdn pcap trace should be started, nothing would be logged to the isgw.log, and no tcp pcap trace should be started.

loglevel option

loglevel can take a list of colon separated arguments

The debug level can be set individually by giving a string containing digits from zero to nine. The first digit after the d sets the default log level for all modules, the following digits configure the loglevels of the individual modules in given Order. A '-' sign instead of a digit disables this kind of logging

The message loglevel can be configured the same way, but uses the character m as first character

  • The string d- disables debug logging

  • The string m- disables message logging

  • The string n- disables nmessage logging (what goes into isgw.nlog)

The string none disables isgw logging completely


For example the string:

would set following loglevels in the isgw:

  • ISGW = 9

  • ISDN = 9

  • MSP = 0

  • SIP = 9

  • GSM = 0

  • TIMER = 5


  • ANALOG = 5

  • CAS = 5

For example the string:

would set following loglevels in the isgw:

  • ISGW = 0

  • ISDN = 0

  • MSP = 9

  • SIP = 0

  • GSM = 0

  • TIMER = 0


  • ANALOG = 0

  • CAS = 0

For example the string:

would set debug loglevel to level 9, but disable message and nmessage logging.

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