Using the beroCAPI license independently from a Gateway

Using the beroCAPI license independently from a Gateway

Customer purchased a “Business Capi V5” license, could use the license independently from a beroNet gateway.
In this case, you need to generate a LicenseKey for the MAC address of the PC on which the “Business Capi V5” will run.
EditionNameCasual FaxBusiness FaxStandaloneServer(Full)Telecom(Full)
License attached to MAC
License attached to beroNet Gateway SN

Getting the MAC :
You should open NG Media Server for this: type "NG Media Server" in the Windows search box (or open a web browser to "")

You should go in the license menu (on the left) then, and copy/paste the MAC of the selected Ethernet Adapter in an email back to you.

Please forward this Mac address together with your BNCAPI order to your distributor.

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