Corpotel - SIP Profile
kamikom GmbH
Schauenburgerstraße 116
24118 Kiel
Tel: +49-431-58809500
corpoTel vereint verschiedene Produkte und Services unter einem Dach: IP-Telefonanschluss, Virtuelle-Telefonanlage, Erweiterung bestehender Telefonsysteme, SIP-Trunk, ACD, Live Statistiken, Gesprächsaufzeichnung, Intelligente Warteräume, Telefonkonferenzen, Fax & E-Mail, Echtzeit-Callback und Servicerufnummern.
Please change the following settings. If the setting is not mentioned, use the default value!
Username, Authentification user and the Secret have to be changed according to the provider.
Main Settings
Setting | Value |
SIP outbound proxy | Given by provider (Format: |
SIP registrar |
SIP domain |
DNS SRV | ❌ |
Match type | IP Address |
SIP transport protocol | UDP |
Register / Registration Interval | ✅ / 3600 |
Setting | Value |
IE on SIP | ❌ |
To User Part | new_destination |
From User Part | account_username |
From Display Part | new_source |
PAI User Name | account_base_number_auto |
PPI User Name | none |
Contact User Name | account_username |
Number Formatting
Setting | Value |
Dialplan Source | from_display |
Dialplan Destination | to_user |
Setting | Value | Where? |
Codes | PCMU, PCMA, G729 | Media |
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